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To be a testimony of Christ and set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity (1 Tim. 4:12). Do whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, whatever is excellent and praiseworthy to God (Phili 4:8).
| Tuesday, 27 December 2005 *.* Saying farewell to 2005 *.*
2005 is a year of blessings and growing for me. I want to thank God for Tommy gor and Sharon jie for taking good care of me, being so thoughtful, supportive and encouraging. I want to thank God for my mentors, Aunty Cheng Suan for taking good care of me, taking care of my growth, my well-being. Delia for teaching me keyboard and passing on her skills to me. I thank God for the little blessings He has given me this year. I go to camp without paying because my angel that God-sent has paid for me, I go to Ophir paying half of the trip fee because my angel that God-sent has paid for me too. Makes me wonder if this 2 persons are the same. I guess I have grown much in 2005 and feeling all so blessed. The different ministries helped me grow. BB has made me grow stronger into God's Word because as I teach God's Word to the boys, I learn and I grow. Worship ministry has help me understand that worship comes from the heart. It doesn't matter how man sees me, but how God sees me and my heart. It has been a good and fruitful year for me. I've made new people, impacted new lives (hopefully) and made stronger friendships this year. Others have impacted me and taught me well this year too. Thank you so much for coming alongside in my life. You are greatly appreciated. Friendship doesn't end here... It's just the beginning.. posted by Michelle at
Monday, 26 December 2005 *.* The best gift for Christmas is Love... *.*
It's Christmas. This year Christmas, it's different. It's a joyous yet sad Christmas for me. It started raining early in the morning and I just don't like rainy days! It makes me sad. It's joyous because it is the day my Saviour is born! The giving of Christmas gift started as early as we see each other in church. The exchanges we made was messy. Some were digging for their gifts to others, some were searching for the cards that they wrote, some were still writing their Christmas cards and wishes to others. It's interesting to see people work. I think the best gift for Christmas is Love. God love us that He gave His only Son to us. We love by giving, we love by making others' day, we love others as ourselves. Today also marks the end of Chapter 2 for Yishun Methodist Mission. The departure of senior pastor is a very different thing to let go. So much tears shed today. From the beginning of the sermon he started preaching, to the end of the service, people were crying, non-stop and that includes me. His sermon touched my heart, his singing made me sad, his big hug just made me cry like a running tap. Everyone was queuing up to say their last goodbye to him. I really hate farewell. It's the hardest thing to let go in this earth. I will pray that God will bless him and watch over him wherever he goes and whatever he do. I will miss him terribly... posted by Michelle at
Wednesday, 21 December 2005 *.* *.*
I've learnt to be appreciative over this whole week. My family is away for holiday and I'm alone, learning to cook for myself, washing of clothes and taking good care of myself, fishes and the little hamster of my friend's. I really appreciate what my parents do now for me. I guess human beings are like that. We only regret and want to be appreciative only when things gone wrong, cannot turn back time and worse, when people around leave, be it short term or forever. I don't want myself to regret one day because I've not tell my family and friends how much I appreciate them for who they are and what they do in my life because it's them that made me grow. Daddy, Mummy, my dearest friends, I really appreciate you for all you have done for me. Your love, care, concern, prayers and support, they really helped me grow. Appreciate you for who you are. Appreciate you for being my friend, a blessing to me. I thank God for all of you.. posted by Michelle at
*.* Back from Ophir... *.*
I'm back from Ophir! This trip was exciting. First time of my life I actually made my own toilet. It's mobile and first time hearing from people that from then on, toilet is everywhere, anywhere. The girls were giggling at first. Well, we had 2 guys to guard us, watching us at certain distance to make sure we are safe. We reached Segemat at 2am and we slept at the bus interchange with our groundsheets. At 4am, we heard funny noises. We were all awaken by the stupid noise. We then realized the noise actually came from the cats. 2 cats were fighting in the middle of the night and screaming. They were very fierce and so bold that they ran around us. We then have to put ourselves to sleep again and woke up at 6.30am, getting ready for breakfast. The climb finally began when we reached the gate. The walk to the foot of the mountain was a terror. It seemed so long and the road was rocky and there were too many steps. Our load were heavy, our shoulders ached, our legs were tired, we were physically tired. We finally reached checkpoint 4 where we camp there at 2pm. We were making great progress and we were on time. By the time we reached checkpoint 5 (empty handed), it started raining heavily. So heavy that we could not continue our climb and had to return back to campsite. We were all disappointed but no choice because we cannot risk our life to do that. We went back campsite and had our lunch. We had lots of fellowship there. The spring water was super duper cold. That was our showering tub actually with the fishes and turtles. We did hot seat at night and news came that we could continue to climb and reach the summit if we start at 3am. We all slept early in that 10-men tent, having to squeeze 14 people in there. I was almost kissing someone's feet then. Bad news came when it started raining at 1.30am. We were all disappointed. We woke up at 8, had breakfast, then packed our things and left the campsite at 10am. We took a train back and it was a 4 hour of polar bear journey. I was disappointed that we didn't reach the summit, leaving me more determined to want to climb Mount Ophir again this time round aiming to reach the summit. I didn't leave the trip feeling frustrated or upset, in fact, I really enjoyed this trip. I like the company and that kind of fellowship we had. The care and helping hands for one another. It brings out the other side of others that I've not known. Thank you people who went for this trip. You people are great! We all made it, no one gave up. I will remember the good times we had in this trip. =) posted by Michelle at
Thursday, 15 December 2005 *.* My prayer... *.*
Before I leave tomorrow night for Mt Ophir, I just want to say a little prayer for my team. Father I commit everyone in this team to Your hands. I pray that the blood of the Lamb cover us as we set off tomorrow. Father bless every of our steps that we take, that it will be a step of safety, protection because You watch over us day and night. Father I pray that You grant us the strength that is needed, the rest that we need, the endurance as we aim to reach the top, the motivation, the power to conquer it with our heavy loads. God I know that You will watch over us and I trust You for every step we take. Grant us journey mercy. Father take away all our fears and worries because You have made us conquerors of all. We have Victory in Christ Jesus. May You continue to bond this team, may You continue to pray us, watch over us. I commit everyone into Your hands once again. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen...
posted by Michelle at
Wednesday, 14 December 2005 *.* Ophir.. Here I come.. *.*
Finally after all these while of training, I'm leaving on Friday, 16 Dec 2005. Bought all the necessary things from tracking boots, ground sheets, borrowed a bag. I've yet to pack them. First of all I must thank God and thank that person who blessed me with half of the trip fee. I have no idea who is it again and honestly, it makes me wanting to know more who the person is. I'm having a mixed emotions now. On one hand I can't wait to go but on the other hand, I don't know if I can make it. I don't want to be a burden to the whole team even though the leader keep emphasizing that this is a team effort. I hope I'm more physically, mentally and spiritually fit in doing this. This is my theme song during training: I need You Jesus, to come to my rescue Where else can I go There no other name by which I am saved Captured me with grace I will follow You.. This is the theme song to go Ophir for the next few days: I have decided to climb Mt Ophir I have decided to climb Mt Ophir I have decided to climb Mt Ophir No turning back, NO TURNING BACK... posted by Michelle at
Sunday, 4 December 2005 *.* Expect the Unexpected! *.*
Expect the unexpected. This is what I've learnt so far in my Ophir training. Guess what? My team and I ran 5.6km. I tell you, this is something that I've never done it and I thought I will never make it. We ran 2.8km, took a short break then continue with the next 2.8km. It's simply too much of a mental challenge. I wanted to stop so many times because I couldn't take it but thank God that the team was very encouraging. After the jog, we went to climb stairs. A total of 26 storey and then it was the challenging and tiring part, the climbing of a hill up and down 5 times. To be honest, I simply have no energy left after the jog. I felt my legs were on the air because I couldn't touch the ground, couldn't figure where my legs went to. It's really amazing to see how everyone in the team work towards the goal. The sense of achievement was indescribable. Next training: Unknown What we are going to do: Unknown Where we will be: Unknown posted by Michelle at
Saturday, 3 December 2005 *.* *.*
It's the start of another month - December. This month it's like a rollar coaster for me. December will pass very quickly with camp, probably conquering a mountain, Christmas and then countdown to January and that marks not just the end of December but also a final goodbye to year 2005. I'm going through a mixture of emotions. I wish December don't come. Time will just stop by November. People come and go in my life. Some of them simply come in and out, it's like writing their names in my heart on sand and when the wave comes, it's gone. Some craved their names in my heart on rock, it's so hard that I cannot let go. The world is cruel. People come, people leave. It all depends what they have impart with you their teachings, their values. I can't bear to let it go, but I have to. I leave you with my blessing, you impart me with valuable lessons.. posted by Michelle at