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To be a testimony of Christ and set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity (1 Tim. 4:12). Do whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, whatever is excellent and praiseworthy to God (Phili 4:8).
| Tuesday, 27 June 2006 *.* *.*
I've been working for days and it's really tiring. So much had happened to me in my work place and all I can say is, experience counts. I ever asked one of my colleague if anyone have ever broke any plates before and she said no. The fortunate me just experienced it on the busiest day and thank God that it wasn't me. My colleagues actually knocked onto each other and broke some plates, creating some big hoohaa. All they could do was to clean up and place and continue working. I was really terrified by then because I'm afraid to hold the plates as they are really heavy. The very next moment I poured watermelon juice at a customer. Don't ask me how I did it because I don't want to replay it to show you. I was so embarrassed and traumatized that my hands were shaking. One of my colleague came to help me. My young customer probably is a 4/5 year old boy and he shouted 'S---' so loudly. Goodness, nowadays don't know where children learn their language from. Anyway, until today, I still don't dare to serve drinks. I really scared that history will repeat itself. This is a very stress week for me. I have a feeling that I won't do well for my first paper. 2 more to go and I'm so tired... posted by Michelle at
Monday, 26 June 2006 *.* To: You know who you are... *.*
After a very long day, I finally get to rest, relax and reflect. The letter that you wrote made my heart sank. My eyes are feeling tired, watery and... To: You know who you are... 6 months ago when I came to know about your leaving, we were both affected by the unexpected move. Week after week you would count the numbers of days left you will see us, eventually this day has arrived. I'm sorry for not being there tonight because of work. Thinking back, I feel bad for not having to spend more time together with you. I'm sorry for not being more concern for you as a friend. I wish I had done more than just a friend. I really want to thank God that at least we got to do what we planned; our staying over and sentosa trip with our (hmmmm). Really thank God for the time we spent and know each other better through the Mount Ophir training. I wish time don't run so fast now. I know I'm going to miss you, your company, your smiles and laughter. I know this is not the end of our friendship, but this also means that we need to work harder too. Many times we take each other for granted because we know we will see each other so often and we don't make effort to meet up anymore. I really really hope this won't happen to us. I will try my best. Our friendship won't just end here. I have a prayer list which I pray for specific people in my life because these are the people whom God has given me as a blessing in one way or another, you are one of them. It doesn't matter where we are, technology has made it so successful that we are just one phone call or one sms away. Just remember to inform me that when you change your number someday. You are a brave girl, you have been always. Stay strong and courageous because wherever you go, God is there to help you through. Smile always.. =) posted by Michelle at
Saturday, 24 June 2006 *.* *.*
I just watched the show CARS, and it's a very VERY NICE SHOW! It's not some children cartoon animation movie. I really like the story line with a lesson to learn behind it. It's a really cute show. MUST WATCH! It's good to catch a movie in the middle of exams or waiting for exams to start. It keeps me alive and my hair in good shape. Been studying like crazy, totally have no idea what I'm studying and what kind of paper I will get this time round with tons of theory to understand and memorize them, formulas to remember and calculations. Counting down to holidays... posted by Michelle at
Saturday, 17 June 2006 *.* The unexpected experience... *.*
I've been leading cell for the past 2 weeks. It was quite an experience as I've never lead a cell before. Having to make it more fun and interesting, having to make it short and sweet so that the message can be bring across to the people easily and more directly, having to come up with some materials so that I can add on to the given materials. This is really not easy to be a cell leader. Whenever I have cell, I will be wondering what will we do for cell, is it going to be fun and interesting and I will just sit there and wait for something to happen. Come to think of it now, somehow or another, we are always waiting, taking for granted that the cell leader will do everything. Never did I think that my cell leader will be away for 2 weeks and I got to do this. At first I was really scared and didn't know what it will turn out to be for cell, and my morale dropped even further when I only had 3 members who turned up last week. I didn't bear to cancel cell or simply say we go to somewhere and enjoy because my cell leader actually came to my house the night before just to go through some materials with me so cell continued. It was easy leading a small group and we finished so much earlier. This week, I feel that I'm more charged up so I came out with some materials that I thought of and we had cell. Thank God that more people came and I can see they like the movie that I showed to them. Hopefully it really link to the Father's Love. My cell leader is coming back soon. I'm so happy. I want to take this opportunity to thank all cell group leaders for all your effort for spending time looking through materials, getting us to open our mouths to share and making this happen. The FOUNDATION in a ministry - CHARACTER (No character, no ministry) The NATURE of a ministry - SERVICE The MOTIVE of serving in a ministry - LOVE The MEASURE of serving to a ministry - SACRIFICE The AUTHORITY in a ministry - SUBMISSION The PURPOSE of serving in a ministry - GLORY OF GOD The TOOLS of serving in a ministry - WORD OF GOD AND PRAYERS The PRIVILEGE of serving in a ministry - GROWTH The POWER in a ministry - HOLY SPIRIT The MODEL of serving in a ministry - JESUS CHRIST I love you, that's why I'm here, doing what I'm doing... posted by Michelle at
Tuesday, 13 June 2006 *.* New job, New environment *.*
I just started work today at PS, I'm working at ... (decided not to tell you just in case you come and disturb me while I am working or follow me home). My manager is a funny guy who jokes a lot. When it's time to serious, he is very serious. He is a easy going person too. I am liking my part time job because it gives me a lot of flexible time to work. I met a couple of new friends today and they are of my age. I haven't deal with any weird customer yet but if I do, I just it will be of a full page blog. This is going to be exciting! posted by Michelle at
Monday, 12 June 2006 *.* Talk is Cheap.. *.* PS: these are all about my thoughts and feelings, if you find them similar then it's coincidental. If you think you can't handle it, then just click on the 'x' at the top right hand corner and you will be out of this place.. I was given a task to lead a cell on Friday. Though only 4 members, (I'm the most consistent member of the cell because... cell is at my place!) I believe some of them brought back something for cell that day. I do hope that at least they remember the verse that we tried to memorize so hard that day. I've never done this before; it can be quite stressful because I totally have no idea what to say and how to do it. Thank God that I didn't quite screw the whole thing. It has been a tug-o-war period for me for the past 3 weeks. Thank God for His goodness and His timing is always so right, more accurate than alarm clock. I heard from people who prayed for me, but I didn't get to hear it from God. Though God didn't tell me directly or something dramatic happened, He just brought me through a meeting and I saw what decision I needed to make. Phew, that kind of feeling is like a big stone in my heart sank deep down and you never get to see that stone again. However, that's not entirely true, there will be moments when I will see it again. Sometimes I wonder how much people will change, for the better or for the worst. People change, but not much. Some probably never will because their heart is as heart as stone, if not they are simply stubborn. If one day they will ever change, then I hope that God have changed my thoughts and perspectives towards them. I am one of a the stubborn type, sometimes I just want it my way. It's really difficult to work with people whom you don't like. It's more difficult to come with a common conclusion or even making a decision. No man is perfect on this earth. Please don't set any expectations, it will just disappoint you and break your heart. It doesn't make the whole team to make a decision to change a situation better; you can change the situation of your own surrounding first before others do. It's about making a difference. There is no place better than God's house There is no decision better than God's will There is no plan better than God's plan There is no doctor better than God's healing There is no other god better than God Talk is cheap, it's about doing it... posted by Michelle at
Tuesday, 6 June 2006 *.* *.*
Okay.. I've been too lazy to blog. Well, some people complained that I haven't been blogging so let me write something here tonight. Last week has been a 'prayerful' week when all the youths are encouraged to come together and pray for the nations, the church and ourselves. On Sunday we all got together to pray. It's quite amazed to see so many people gather at the national stadium to pray! There were about 25,000 people there that evening. We went there so early to pack those goody bags and we finished it in an hour's time! We are quite efficient right? And we slacked for 2 full hours! By the time the event started, most of us were half dead. Thank God that it didn't rain. Today is a special day. The date is 06/06/06. This happens only once a lifetime! (Unless you tell me you can live on this earth for a millennium). Of course other dates like 01/01/01, 02/02/02, 03/03/03, 04/04/04, 05/05/05, 07/07/07, 08/08/08, 09/09/09, 10/10/10, 11/11/11, 12/12/12... Isn't it special to celebrate a birthday or even an anniversary on this day? I think I'm one of the special one who get to celebrate one of these dates. It happens only once in a lifetime and not everyone get it. Yeah, I'm one of the lucky ones. Counting down to holidays... posted by Michelle at