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To be a testimony of Christ and set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity (1 Tim. 4:12). Do whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, whatever is excellent and praiseworthy to God (Phili 4:8).
| Thursday, 29 September 2005 *.* I'm red.. it's painful *.*
After a year and a half to my last sun tanning, finally I went to Sentosa with my friends on Tuesday to have a good time of sun bath. It was almost a year and a half that I last been to Sentosa. Nothing much have changed just that there wasn't many people there as it was a weekday. When we reached Sentosa, it was drizelling and we were pretty disappointed but after a while, the sun came shining on us and we were enjoying the sun. I fell asleep while tanning until my friend came and woke me up. After that we played card game and went back. It was almost 5 hours of sun bath. I'm all red like a lobster and painful. I wish I can go there every weekday to tan. posted by Michelle at
Friday, 23 September 2005 *.* Holiday!! *.*
Today marks my day of freedom because it's holiday! It's holiday... I'm very excited and happy. It's holiday. It means I can sleep later, wakes up later. It means having free time to read books, do whatever I like, swimming and lots more (I have yet to come out with a list to do for the next 45 days). I went to one of my cell member's grandmother wake at Bukit Timah area. It was raining today and I was pretty paranoid whether if there is any mosquito in that area since I got bitten on Tuesday having observed that the mosquito that bit me was an Aedes mosquito. Anyway, some of the youths and a youth pastor went to have supper after that at Yishun. We had pizza at low price. It was nearing 11.30pm when someone suggested to go to Yishun Park to take a look at the public toilet called Exeloo. We were as though we came from some outerspace and we were exploring the loo. There were instructions given in the cubicle itself and there is only a limit of 10 minutes of usage (SOMEONE got stuck inside because he doesn't know how to opps.. opps). There is music played and everything seemed automatic, from the flash to handwash to hand dryer. After exploring, we then decided to stay there and have more fun. We were playing with swings, merry-go-round and the facilities there. It was almost 12mn by then. We were having lots of fun. We were swinging each other and almost send them up to the moon. It was so high. Quite a thrill. My youth pastor and us sat on the merry-go-round and SOMEONE turned us around. When we got giddy, he turned us the other way round and my youth pastor sang a song while we were still up there. He was saying that since we turned ourselves the opposite direction, we shall sing 'Mary had a little lamb' the other way too. So they started singing. We then decided to spin one person up there and make the person walk in a straight line after that. We laughed until we almost fall flat on the ground. It was a fun, exciting night. posted by Michelle at
Sunday, 18 September 2005 *.* What you love, you serve... *.*
Sermons these weeks have been a great hit on the young people. Pastors favorite phrases these weeks have been '... Your boyfriend and girlfriend... , well, it's a hot topic now in church...', 'I want to speak to the young people especially', 'Young people are you hearing me?' Every Sunday morning we are reminded of things that we should do and how are we going to do it as representation of Christ. It's a very hot topic about BGR in church these days especially. To my most updated of counting, there are 9 young couples (not married) age ranging from 14-30. The pastors can't do anything to prevent all these from happening. When it comes with emotions, it's more difficult to deal with. I was watching a show about 'Taboo of Marriage' in the Discovery channel today. I saw many different countries marriage culture and their perspective of it. In India, young girls get married as early as 12 years old and they regard it as the best age of marriage. When they get married, they probably have not meet their spouse in the same village and it's a surprise on the marriage day itself. Only until the girl is at least 16 years old, they can have kids if not they will not sleep with their spouse from the day of their marriage day. In other places and villages, men are allow to take many wives. Their status is measured by the number of wives they marry. However, the wives role at home is not just to have babies but to the extend of the role of a maid. In other Western countries, a Catholic church accepts homosexual marriage. Even though I could see how the parents react for their children to marry the same gender, the reason they gave was they want their children to be happy and find their own happiness. The question was 'What do marriage mean to you?' In the poorer countries, marriage means the guy's family will have another helping hand to do house chores. In the Western countries, they practice freedom. Marriage means a lot to me. It means having another commitment, it means going through thick and thin together, it means submission to my husband, it means having to do things that we both enjoy, it means loving each other without condition, it means giving and taking, it means having a family, children, teaching them the right things and right values, nurturing them, giving them the best, providing for them.. I'm waiting for all these to come true. I'm waiting for God to give me the best because only He knows what kind a person I am. That's why I thank God for friends too. Sometimes it's very hard because we live this society (peer pressure) that a guy and a girl being seen together cannot be 'Just Friends' but 'More than Friends' mentality, even though they are really just friends. It's difficult to make nice guy friends (for a girl and vice versa) without having other thoughts if 'he/she is the one'. It makes friendship too rigid and tough. I believe love starts from friendship. Having to become an item needs more than just loving the friendship, it's the extra mile to run and other commitment. The enjoyment should begins with friendship. My friend ever posted questions in his blog and asking us to answer, I didn't answer any of them. The question was how old do you think it's the best age to start a relationship? I feel it's the maturity, not the age. Some may argue that if you don't go through one you will not grow and learn. Well, but if you trust God in this, it can really saves you a lot of heartaches, tears, sleepless nights and etc. I wear a ring (I called it my covenant ring) on my left hand, forth finger not because I'm attached (yes though, with God), but because I want to constantly remind myself that I have a 3 years covenant with God that I cannot break. Some of my friends laugh at me and say it's a stupid thing to do. They feel I'm wasting my youth. I'm just committing my best (3) years to God before I start working and have other commitment(s). People who are in the same boat with me, let us continue to remind and encourage each other. It's tempting out there. I look forward to the day of success.. posted by Michelle at
Wednesday, 14 September 2005 *.* Thank God for you.. *.*
It's going to be mid-autumn festival again. Ever since young, every year this time, my grandparents will give my sister and I some money to buy our own lanterns. There is no exception this year even though I'm already 18. I guess in their eyes I haven't grow up or I'm still their young grandchild running everywhere in the house when I was very young. My grandmother took care of me and my sister ever since we were born. They moved out 3 years back but they still come back and stay every weekends. Our lifestyle seem to change without them. My mother don't cook very often before but now she cooks more frequent than before. There is a sign of relief in us somehow. I remember some younger years, my cousins will come over to my place and we will have dinner together and after dinner the real fun will start. We would go to some playgrounds or park and light our lanterns and at the end of the night, we will not just burn our paper lanterns but also all the candles and make a mini campfire, let alone the candle box. There were cases of burnt playgrounds reported in the news and thank God we didn't cause any fire hazards. Those were the younger days. I guess as I grow older, all these will only be of a fond memory. It's a good time for family gathering and going out with friends. It's the best time to build stronger friendship and enjoy the fellowship. Dear friends and people who reads this, I thank God for having you as a friend. Some of you play a very important role in my life and others may just be an acquaintance. I treasure the friendships I have. Without you, my life may not be that colourful than before (even though having Jesus in my life is already very colourful). I want to say this especially to my cell members, I really enjoy the times we have together and more to come. From every Friday's fellowship (warm one) to celebrating each other birthday (having to crack our head to think of a master plan for sabotage) to cell retreat and I believe more special events to come and line up for us.. I love you all.. posted by Michelle at
Friday, 9 September 2005 *.* *.*
First of all, to people who blogs and who read others blog, there are a lot of spams in here lately. I am finding ways to stop it from getting spammed. I'm losing sleep recently. I think it's due to exam stress. I can't sleep well and haven't been eating well too. Been having gastric pain more frequent than ever these days. I'm glad that people around me are helping me, at least they don't remind me that exams is very near the corner but even brought some of us out for fun. We went to Chinese Garden on Wednesday and it was exciting. Though there were 3 couples except me, we had a very 'bright' and hot night. It's my first visit to Chinese Garden and I really enjoyed myself there. There were many different lanterns lighting and different themes. Nothing special happened but I know everyone of us did enjoyed ourselves and each other company. posted by Michelle at
Monday, 5 September 2005 *.* God's love is beautiful... *.*
No one is perfect in this world except God. We are of nothing but from dust, we are of nothing but He made us something, He made us beautiful with His perfect love. God's love makes us beautiful, not on the outside, but the inside. It's the inner beauty that makes a person beautiful. The beauty of giving, the beauty of caring, the beauty of loving others, the beauty of waiting, etc. God placed us in different situation, in different circumstances for a purpose. Yet we don't see His point. We envy other people's life, family, friends and other things. We feel that the grass is greener on the other side and we fail to see how God work in different people He has chosen. When we don't seek God and live a life that is needed a purpose to exist, we cannot live a life of abundance, but God wants us to seek Him and follow Him in all the days of our life here in this horrible world so that we can taste and see His goodness. I like yesterday's sermon. It's about waiting. Waiting is about commitment, it's not about feeling. Many times, we are afraid to wait, afraid of the uncertainty while waiting. However, waiting is the reflection of our faith. I like what my pastor said when he said that when we wait for wish, we hangs on, but when we wait for hope, we let go. We don't wish but we hope. When you hope, it harness inside you. Whatever he said, I can only agree and say a big Amen to that. Waiting can be frustrating when you don't have a purpose of waiting but when you know what you are waiting for, it's all worthwhile. I've chose to wait because I know God has given me His promises each and every morning. Sometimes I wonder how will I feel after my waiting, it doesn't matter anymore. This sermon simply gives me a confirmation and the encouragement that I'm not going through this alone but God is with me. Though sometimes I find it so difficult, this sermon really spurs me on that it's worth all the waiting. posted by Michelle at