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*.* Her Life Mission *.*

Name: Michelle Ruth Tong

Birthday: 3rd March

Life Mission Statement:
To be a testimony of Christ and set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity (1 Tim. 4:12). Do whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, whatever is excellent and praiseworthy to God (Phili 4:8).

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Sunday, 15 November 2009
*.* Uuuppdates of the old ones and new ones! *.*

It's been a long time since I last blogged. I have no idea where to start.

Been really busy with work and school and now is the crazy exam period. I'm mugging! I just came back from somewhere, been out with my course mate to mug.

OH I celebrate my dog's birthday today! Will upload the photos when I find my card reader. I think it's misplaced somewhere.

Something I've learnt in Psychology so far and come to a great revolution! Now I finally understand why Jesus told us not to be conform to this world. This is because conformity is a great influence and many times it is caused by peer pressure. There is an experiment that shows how 6 people are put in a room to do a test (the 5 knows each other and find 1 other person somewhere). Simply asking individual to check which card shows the correct answers in the picture and after a few rounds of right answers, everyone started giving the wrong answer. Though the outsider gave the correct answer, he was uncertain after a few rounds of 'wrong' answers (because the other 5 gave the wrong answers), the outsider naturally followed the group! Conformity is contagious!

I just watched 2012 with my darling. I think I should just put a disclaimer first. Whatever I'm going to write in here are based solely on my emotions and thoughts. It bears no consequences of anything. Everything said here is pure coincidental and it involves purely my own emotions. This is not an entry to promote neither is it an advertisement.

Allow me to give my 2 cents worth of critics. To make this a balance argument, I recognised that I need to give both the good and bad side. =)

Firstly, this is a propaganda shows to show the good side of one big country of how the leader had chose to stay behind to let the world know about the end of the world. Very noble action but shows some biasness.

Secondly, I would say the society is learning about culture imperialism because I'm seeing more black people on big screen now than before. This is good because there is less stereotyping! There is also hidden meaning because -you should know-. Unless you don't, do call me. I have learnt that blogging is not safe. I may be charged for everything that I type here. I study mass media too..

Thirdly, it shows the good side of humanity in the society. Though there will be people who are against this, it takes a lot of courage to stand by one's decision, ethically and morally. We can't just let people die in vain right?

Fourthly, I feel the need to cherish and treasure with what we have now. We need to live life what never before. Go tell the world about Jesus! He is our HOPE!

Last but not least, it's quite a good show. Should go catch it and that's provided you don't like political stuffs.

posted by Michelle at 03:58:00

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