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*.* Her Life Mission *.*

Name: Michelle Ruth Tong

Birthday: 3rd March

Life Mission Statement:
To be a testimony of Christ and set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity (1 Tim. 4:12). Do whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, whatever is excellent and praiseworthy to God (Phili 4:8).

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Wednesday, 4 June 2008
*.* Some thoughts.. *.*

I was at the new extension building of Northpoint Shopping Centre. It's like seeing something being born, from nothing to something.

There is neither indoor nor outdoor signal at the building right now so I was not able to make calls or receive any calls. Basements were the worse place to be. It was filled with dust, pretty dark and almost no ventilation. I felt I was breathing in chuck of air filled with cement and dust because of all the drilling. The site was quite messy. I felt as though I'm one of the Si Chuan earthquake survivors who is buried under the debris, trying very hard to breathe and waiting for rescuers to save me, well except that I had more space to roam about. A silly thought came to my mind when I was surveying the carpark at Basement 2. But what if the building collapsed and I'm all the way at the basement?! I was thinking if I should write my last words on my mobile and save it in my draft folder. Mind you, I was uncontactable at all!

I suddenly thought of the repeated telecast charity show that I watched that day..


posted by Michelle at 14:32:00

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