If you think that by taking half day (finally after so long) and getting some rest while your block (and other blocks) are doing upgrading is a good decision, think again. You will probably be half-conscious because of the hacking and knocking and drilling. It's noisy. '
EEEEEeeeerrrrrrr', there is goes again. Oh ya, I could actually feel lots of vibration.
If you think you can open the windows wide open since you are at home at get some ventilation which is good to get some fresh air, think again. Your mother will probably come home, seeing a layer of dust on the floor and ask you what happened to the house and she will remind you not to open the windows again till the upgrading is over. You see, that's why I'm smart. I only opened my windows in my room and the kitchen ones.
And if you think everything will stop by 6pm since it is the official knock-off time, well, I can prove you wrong.
That is because I was awaken again by the noise. It is now 6.25pm.
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