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*.* Her Life Mission *.*

Name: Michelle Ruth Tong

Birthday: 3rd March

Life Mission Statement:
To be a testimony of Christ and set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity (1 Tim. 4:12). Do whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, whatever is excellent and praiseworthy to God (Phili 4:8).

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Sunday 15 April 2007
*.* It's the dilemma *.*

It's been almost a week and I'm still unwell. Must be the virus attack in office that has been spreading like crazy. Anyway, maybe I should start praying for a air purifier in my room. The office air needs some serious cleaning up.

I've just received good news from SIM. They have offered what I wanted to do a double major in communications and psychology. Everything is in the package including time table. I'm happy that I've got into a University but I have no idea how much my parents can afford considering the school fees are so expensive (Total course fee $54,000). Even if my parents can afford my school fees, I definitely have to work part-time and study, pay my insurance fee, the petrol ( I wish petrol will go cheaper, my wish my car don't drink petrol like water) and of course to feed myself. Maybe it's because of the double major course, my time table seems hectic. I have to study everyday, but somehow I have many long breaks for say 4 hours before the next lesson starts.

Then again, is this really what I want my life to be to be slogging for a part-time with inflexible timing when I can only work at night and by the weekend comes, I will be drain out and the cycle repeats?

My answer is no.

Maybe there are better options out there. Maybe life is going to change for the better ( I hope so).

I was just thinking what if NTU would accept me too...

God, would you please open up the way since You have given me an open door? dilemma

posted by Michelle at 21:26:00

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