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To be a testimony of Christ and set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity (1 Tim. 4:12). Do whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, whatever is excellent and praiseworthy to God (Phili 4:8).
| Sunday, 3 September 2006 *.* Contentment Vs Complaining *.*
PS: This is typed by my thoughts and feelings. If anything that is similiar that you see somewhere, it's coincidental. I just want you to know that I did it myself. I'm getting emotional. I saw a friend and I just knew that she had cancer. She is only 15 years old. I cannot believe what I heard and saw. I just feel so helpless and unjustified. At 15, she should be running around, playing lots of sports, a great future ahead but she can't do all these now. Sometimes I wonder, human beings are so complicated. We complain anything under the sun. When we are bored, we complain that there is nothing to do. When we are busy, we complain there is too much to do. When the weather is too hot, we complain and wish that it will rain. When the weather is too wet, we complain and wish that it will not rain and let there be sun. We complain and complain and complain. We complain the things we don't have, we are never satisfied with the things we have. I'm guilty of that. Whenever you and I complain that life is too bored and wished time can pass quickly, sit around and do nothing, wasting time away, have you (and I) ever thought that there are people in this world who are fighting against time and wish that time would just stop right there so that they can live life longer? Whenever you have a meal and you are too full and couldn't finish your food, have you ever thought of people in places like Africa and India have no food to eat? The children there are mostly malnutrition. There are so many things in life that we, especially who lives in such a good condition life, missed out so the minute things in our life. We are never appreciative to people who treat us a little better. Sometimes words like 'I'm Sorry, Thank You' can be so difficult to come out from our mouths. We always see people with tinted glasses (some with ultra rays that can see through the heart), we classified them into category that whether these can be our best friends or spare tires. We do things and say things that are more to our benefits than others. Putting down others and pulling us up will be a better thing to do. I just want to be better mentality. To be very honest, I'm guilty of most of these. Suddenly I feel that life is short and so unpredictable. You never know what will happen to you at any point of time. I'll learn to take things lightly and be contented than complaining. posted by Michelle at