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To be a testimony of Christ and set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity (1 Tim. 4:12). Do whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, whatever is excellent and praiseworthy to God (Phili 4:8).
| Monday, 27 March 2006 *.* PTC - Primers Training Camp *.*
My 3 Days 2 Nights camp just ended yesterday with another long and exciting Polar Bear game. Interestingly, we didn't camp at any campsite but in an empty house, all thanks to Sir Eng kite who kindly lent us his house and we did mess it up quite well. First night of the camp was memorable, I will never forget what the officers did to us. We were made to go through the prosecutions that some Christians are going through now in some countries so we were put to test. Given a Bible, pen, some pieces of paper, a candle and lighter, we were told to set up churches. We got to form groups of 3, write down all the books in the Bible accordingly, light a candle and sing a praise song after which when we see an officer coming out, we can choose to run or face him. If he comes with a stamp and said 'Well done, good and faithful servant', we are safe and continue building churches. But if he comes and ask questions and said 'Follow me', that's when the horror comes. The waiting outside was tough. The screaming, water splashing, slapping and the clashing of the sound of chains were quite scary. They used crockroaches on me, as usual knowing that I fear that the most, made us crawl on the ground, screamed at us, threatened to shave our eyebrow, slapping each other, spitting each other, chained us up and tying us to a tree. It may sounds funny, but if this is a real live situation, I think it's not funny at all. It's life threatening. That night, we slept at 3am. Second night, we slept quite early but still I guess my mind was so simulated by the Polar Bear game that I couldn't sleep. It was so exciting and of course I was thinking why didn't I trust some people during that game and 'killed' so many innocent blood. It was so simulated that there were people sleep-talking in the middle of the night. (laughs) Last day at last, we all woke up super early to get to church for service and came back for the final session. We done a very significant act to serve one another, teaching us to be humble to wash each other feet. I am reminded that all leadership modeled after Jesus and since Jesus done that to his disciple and even the one who betrayed him, we ought to pick up our towels too. After that we got to face all the mess that we had done and clean up for it. Our cleaning was fast where the job was very well distributed. Then, we had our last Polar Bear Game. That round was a very very long and difficult round. Well, I trusted the wrong person and the Polar Bear won. I guess this is a good bonding for us as Primers and Officers. It doesn't matter which company we are serving because we still come under the same coverage in the church and our ultimate aim is we serve God. posted by Michelle at
Sunday, 12 March 2006 *.* *.*
Disclaimer: This entry is strongly MY emotions and feelings! If there is anything similar, it's just coincidence, it bears no consequences. Congrats to those who haven't been into any relationship yet for ages 21 or people who are happily married without going through any heartaches because you are too blessed! Since you haven't been through anything heartaches, let me share with you what is it all about. I've been through, gone through and moved on. But do you know what exactly is that feeling? It's like a knife cutting into your heart each time you think about it. Yes, moments of remorseful and sometimes regrets. I don't need anyone to come to me and say "See I told you!...." All I need is someone who will just ask me how am I as a person. We looked back to learn a lesson (painful one) and we look forward and move on. As we move on, we grow, we learn. It's the grieving part that everyone has to go through. Time has changed so much. Last time people can date for 10 over years when they were in their teens and still happily get married but now, we have so much distractions and choices. Teens especially have their emotions and feelings running all over the place. The more you tell them not to go into one, the more they will because they just want to try out. Why do you think teens are getting more trouble now? Take the most recent case, the NYP girl caught having with her boyfriend. I have no idea why she did that but now the matter blows up so big, do you think she feels any better? What did Jesus did to the prostitute when the people were about to stone her? He said whoever have no sin shall cast the first stone. One by one, they put their stone down and left. Jesus extended His grace to everyone. Everyone is given a chance. But we as humans tend to judge people with our own eyes, ears, feelings and emotions. We didn't see ourselves as imperfect too. Sometimes even out of selfish motives. Many times it also points down to who are we following in our lives. The people in our lives plays an important role. Some people talk more than they should be, some people refuse to talk even if they are supposed to. It's people like you, who make people like me, to become people like you. Are you the doer or the sayer? posted by Michelle at
Tuesday, 7 March 2006 *.* Happy brownies.. *.*
Woke up early this morning and went to shop for some baking stuffs. I was so excited because finally mum bought a new oven and a mixer. So I must help it to do a 'official opening'. My first round of brownies didn't work well. It was too soft. I didn't give up so I tried again. My second batch of brownies was better because this time I remembered to place paper in the middle of the tray so that the middle part can be well baked too. And of course being so proud of my second batch, I did my third batch too. I must say that practice makes perfect and my brownies looks so much better. I really enjoyed doing this especially when it's holiday now. Wonder what else I should learn for next's week baking time... posted by Michelle at
Friday, 3 March 2006 *.* Last teen years... *.*
Finally exams are over. Finally!! I've been having many sleepless nights for the past 2 weeks. It's the exams stress and I just felt so helpless. Today marks my last teen years. Next year I will be in the big '2' range. I really must make full use of this year to fulfill all my teen dreams. On top of my new year resolution, these are what I dream of... 1. I guess the top of the list is to complete Mount Ophir. I really wish we could go again and this time reaching the summit. 2. Be a responsible BB officer (Of course I have many years to go, not just this year), fulfilling all my appointments. BOTC is starting soon! 3. Believing that God can heal me inside out, outside in. 4. Driving license!! 5. Do something that I've never done in the past 19 years. But I can't think of any right now. Maybe I want to challenge my fears... No more fears! 6. Something that I've never dare try for the past 19 years. 7. I just want to treasure all that I have... Thank you people for all your blessings, I know I've been blessed and so blessed! posted by Michelle at