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*.* Her Life Mission *.*

Name: Michelle Ruth Tong

Birthday: 3rd March

Life Mission Statement:
To be a testimony of Christ and set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity (1 Tim. 4:12). Do whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, whatever is excellent and praiseworthy to God (Phili 4:8).

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Wednesday, 21 April 2004
*.* Myself *.*

I didn't know blogging can be that fun... I 've never tried this before though heard it but not do it.. Now I am!! I didn't blog because many of my friends have it, but because I just want to let myself out of the small box I'm in. Well, read on to know more!

I am a typical Singapore who speaks Singlish (This is not Singapore English but only Singaporean understand what it is). I come from a family of 6 with my grandparents, parents, a younger sister and of course me. I grow up as an independent girl who does all things by myself.

I learnt a lot more in my secondary school days. Being a vice-head prefect was a great challenge. Heavy responsibilities and a lot of committment that had to be given up.. I did them all. Currently I'm still having my holidays waiting to go into my new course of Electronics, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECC Engineering) at Nanyang Polytechnic.
Many people who know me often ask: You? Taking ECC Engineering? Are you very sure this is what you want?
I will look and them and smile... Deep down inside me, I'm struggling too. I appealed for another course but I know I will never get in. At least I tried. Well, I have promised to submit to God.. I believe He has His plan for me.

I am joining the Boys' Brigade (BB) . Again people ask the same thing..
people: You in BB? Girls can join BB? Sure or not?
As usual, I will smile but this time I will give a reply
Me: Because.. Girls' Brigade rejected me.. =(
Actually the main reason is to serve God.. It's a calling from Him. I know many people in which some are just so dear to me. It's fun to be part of the team!!

Well, just not to scare you guys by reading my first blog, I shall continue tomorrow...

posted by Michelle at 21:10:00

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